最后一個作品~ 儲蓄屋。還蠻喜歡這個作品的,會再嘗試做出不同顏色的可愛小屋。
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Foam Stamp
在網上看到有賣foam stamp,就想說,這種的stamp其實比較簡單耶,自己應該能做得出來吧!于是決定自己動手做,可是拖了好幾天... 今天總算做好了。yahoooo~~~ 效果還好,可能不比rubber stamp及clear stamp來得漂亮,可是第一次的作品,覺得很有滿足感了。
在網上看到有賣foam stamp,就想說,這種的stamp其實比較簡單耶,自己應該能做得出來吧!于是決定自己動手做,可是拖了好幾天... 今天總算做好了。yahoooo~~~ 效果還好,可能不比rubber stamp及clear stamp來得漂亮,可是第一次的作品,覺得很有滿足感了。
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Now is the time i want to share some items/ materials i have been bought in these few weeks. I spend a lot on those material. I hope i can stop buying and start to make something with those material. It is useless if i just keep them in my room and will make my room look messy. haha
I been book fair at mines lat sat and Tuesday. I spend rm100+ for 9 books.
I been book fair at mines lat sat and Tuesday. I spend rm100+ for 9 books.
Friday, November 21, 2008
上個星期六,約了兩位博客見面~ Gianni & Ciyou. 兩位都是手作愛好者。
Gianni的嗜好是刻印章,Ciyou喜歡的有很多~ 黏土,布織,ATC等等... 大家想更了解她們,可到她們的部落格看看。Ciyou的Color City & Gianni的 GIANNICARVESHOP.
相約在Times Square,然后再到Midvalley逛逛。Ciyou帶了我們到Art Friend~愛好手作者的天地。好喜歡里面的東西,可是價錢還蠻貴的。我在Art Friend買了一組的Word Stamp, 也和Gianni買了幾個Stamp.我設計了幾個樣本給她,然後她就照著刻。效果還蠻不錯的。我還會繼續向她訂購。而且我還是她的第一位網上顧客呢!很高興認識她。
Gianni的嗜好是刻印章,Ciyou喜歡的有很多~ 黏土,布織,ATC等等... 大家想更了解她們,可到她們的部落格看看。Ciyou的Color City & Gianni的 GIANNICARVESHOP.
相約在Times Square,然后再到Midvalley逛逛。Ciyou帶了我們到Art Friend~愛好手作者的天地。好喜歡里面的東西,可是價錢還蠻貴的。我在Art Friend買了一組的Word Stamp, 也和Gianni買了幾個Stamp.我設計了幾個樣本給她,然後她就照著刻。效果還蠻不錯的。我還會繼續向她訂購。而且我還是她的第一位網上顧客呢!很高興認識她。

These 2 awards is from Cherlyn
OMG, still need to answer few question as shown below:
1. each blogger must post this rules
2. each blogger starts with ten random facts/habbits about themselves
3. blogger that are tagged need write about their own blog their ten things and post these rules . you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names .
4. don`t forget to leave them comment telling them they`ve been tagged and to read your blog .
I'm quite lazy to answer those question, but i will choose 10 people to get tagged, list their names and leave them comment telling them they've been tagged. ;-)
So now, i want to choose......
~~ END ~~
1st Award

OMG, still need to answer few question as shown below:
1. each blogger must post this rules
2. each blogger starts with ten random facts/habbits about themselves
3. blogger that are tagged need write about their own blog their ten things and post these rules . you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names .
4. don`t forget to leave them comment telling them they`ve been tagged and to read your blog .
I'm quite lazy to answer those question, but i will choose 10 people to get tagged, list their names and leave them comment telling them they've been tagged. ;-)
So now, i want to choose......
- Baby's Life (我可愛的小弟,他的部落格才成立沒多久,所以頒獎給他鼓勵他)
- ~* 伊 の 栖息之地 *~(像馬來妹的小妹 :p)
- Blog Indulgence! (喜愛旅游的Mei-Wah)
~*jeslyn 美世子の部屋*~ (擅長手作的女生)
- Akira ~ The World~ (時常光顧我家及留言的男生)
- CAT@心情休闲站(擁有幸福家庭的Catherine)
无与伦比de丁丁 .·°♥magic2 (剛認識不久的博客)
Philosophy & Philo-so-art (藝術男生)
- 冬天的文字塔 (之前就認識的朋友,好久沒聯絡了,在部落格里巧妙的遇上)
- 就是跟別人布一樣 (可愛的Cherrie, 也喜歡手作的小女生)
- ::我的心情:++:我的故事:: (雀躍萬分的綺綺 :p)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Last day for my clay class
Finally i completed 10 classes of clay at Tchi Zhi. Really have a lot of funs and i'm very enjoyed it! Everybody brought a food and we had a small party on the last day. Here are some shots on that day. Everybody looks happy and make a lot of noise. ;-)

Busy with final group project (There are my group member~ Yin Wei & Xue Fang)
Our final project~ Angel's Heaven
Let's go... show you all characters in this Angel's Heaven.
Cute little angel~ provided by Yin Wei (She is the girl who expert to make those cute character)
Rainbow (by Yin Wei), Heart shape (by me)
Sheep angel (by Yvonne)
Let's go... show you all characters in this Angel's Heaven.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
小天使 Little Angel

每次都很难拿捏到娃娃的大小,所以做着做着,就越做越大。哈哈~ 还在想着该把这娃娃放在哪?!因该会把它先收着,等有做任何适合的手作时,再用上它。;-)

Friday, November 7, 2008
Opening NOW!!

之前有了自己的部落格,現在又多了一間"Dream Land Station"。好開心耶!
"Dream Land Station"將以清新、簡單、創意及親切的概念呈現給大家。這里將會帶給大家獨特的禮品及手作。此外,"Dream Land Station"也提供設計服務,包括:海報、拉巴、包裝、名片、網頁、paper bag、祝賀卡等等。
希望"Dream Land Station" 將會是你們的購物天堂。記得多游览哦!
Finally, i got another new blog for my business method. I called this shop as "Dream Land Station".
Dream Land Station present the fresh, simple, creativity and friendly concept. You can order a nice custom made gift or handmade stuff for your own or your beloved one. Dream Land Station also provides others services such as, poster & banner design, packaging design, name card design, website, paper bag design, greeting card design, booklet design and etc.
I wish Dream Land Station will become a nice shopping heaven for you all.
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